Why Do People Keep Picking This Sh*tty Character?

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There are video game characters we love. There are video game characters we hate. There are even characters we love to hate.

But then, there are characters that are loved despite giving the player base every reason to hate them.

So, it’s time to admit you drank the Kool-Aid and ask yourself this very important question – why do some of us root for the Vipers, main the Pikachus, or pick the Teemos, time and again?

Why did you join the cult of low tiers?

Written by: Alina Sotula (@ASotula)
Edited by: Connor Dunn (@ConnorDunn_)
Hosted by: Daniel Rosen (@Daniel_Rosen)
Thumbnail by: Fermin Mulett

Footage courtesy of: https://pastebin.com/h6n7LnqY

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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#People #Picking #Shtty #Character

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