Youtube Channel #Trailer Welcome Video | Dr. Janine

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Youtube Channel Trailer Welcome Video | Dr. Janine Bowring

Welcome to my channel. My name is Dr. Janine Bowring and I’m a naturopathic doctor, an author, a busy mom and an entrepreneur. I have practiced and studied natural medicine for close to 30 years now and I’ve been able to help countless people just like you through my practice television appearances and social media to regain better health and would love to help you and your family achieve your goals for health and for life.

The future of healthy living is interactive online learning and on my Youtube Channel Trailer Welcome Video I’ll share with you and your loved ones how to live a healthy lifestyle using nature as the basis for good medicine.

One of my calling is to empower you to live a healthy lifestyle and to do it naturally. I post health and natural beauty videos every single day so go ahead and hit that subscribe button so you too can be empowered to live your best life.

Are you searching for a reliable and current healthy lifestyle and beauty tips?
Are you confused by all the health experts and their opinions?

There is a lot of information and misinformation about health out there and it can be very confusing. Trust me I know because I’ve experienced it myself. Just like you my goal is to make it simple for you in a fun and informative way. I will teach you practical tips for balancing hormones weight loss detox protocols natural beauty tips Vitamins and Supplements how to achieve a positive mind, body and spirit and much more.

If you are looking for a great whole food detoxification supplement try Vitatree VitaDetox.

Watch the Dr Janine Show – Online on YouTube every Tuesday 11AM EST – And chat with Dr Janine live during the show.

Connect with Dr. Janine Bowring @:

*To learn more about natural health, watch Dr. Janine Show @Dr. Janine Bowring, ND – Online every Tuesday 11AM – And chat with Dr. Janine live during the show.

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